
Thursday, December 16, 2021

I am here just to say good bye to you all.

  Ciao readers,

I am just going to say one last good bye to all the people who aren't going to the high school. I will miss you all and I want to say thank you to all those people that have been nice and helped me over the years. I also want to say thank you to all the teachers. I want to say thank you to the teachers for all the help over these long 3 years. Also for helping me learn I have learnt a lot over these years, it has been really nice. Thank you to Mrs Cassidy for commenting on everyone's blog. Thank you Jhon for fixing everything and helping whith the equiptment and just being kind. Also to Mrs Cassidy and Jhon for road patrol and letting us cross the road safely. Thank you to Mrs Scot for planning all the sports and for after school basket ball. Thank you to Mr Roberts and Mrs Mclalan for planning things like E.O.T.C week and all of those things. Thank you to Mrs Morgan for all of the cyber smart session with us you have really taught us all a lot about cyber saftey and how to use chromebooks. Thank you to the teacher aids for helping everyone you have helped a lot. Thank you to everyone for making me who I am today, and I really mean it all.

Ciao thank you for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed and have a merry christmas.

The land of mystery part (3) Stuart's diary

 Ciao viewers,

I am going to be telling you part (3) of my amazing story, The Land Of Mystery. If you haven't read part 1 or 2 read them first so I hope you enjoy and lets get into it. So I have just realised I forgot to wirte that it is a diary just so you know now, so I just added it to the title's.

Stuart had set a alarm clock for 11:45 so he had enough time to get to flower park before everyone else. When his alarm went off he got up wondering "what's happening?" then finally reallised, "I've got to get to the park". "Opps I have to be quiet don't want to wake Mum and Dad up."Ahh I have to turn my alarm off." "Whoops I have to be quiet." So I went to my window and climbed down and made it to the park to meet all of those people. By the time he got the it was 11:50 so there weren't many people there in fact there was only one person there, and "not to be mean or any thing but he is kind of a creepy person". So it was only me and him for a while then my friends got here. I just said "Yay your here" finally it's not just me and him here any more. 

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The land of mystery (Part 2) Stuart's diary

Ciao viewers,

This going to be my part to of the land of mystery. If you have not yet seen part 1 then go check it out so lets get into it.

The next day he was at school he told his friends then they told their friends and so on. So the word got out, during lunch in the cafateria everyone wanted to sit around stuart, stuart asked everyone why they were there. They all said "we won't to go to the cave," he just looked confused at everyone then one person said "remember the fruit shop" and then stuart when "oh yeah ok so after school everyone meet at", "ooh ooh I know at flower park", someone interated. We will meet at 12:AM see you all there, oh don't forget good hiking and walking materials. Then the bell rang for 3rd period and then the longest half hour in stuarts life went by and then finally it was home time. Stuart spent the hole afternoon getting prepered for the big trip. 

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, be tuned for part 3 do you think everyone will be their do you think they will find the cave lets see.


Friday, December 3, 2021

E.O.T.C the most fun week of school a year!!!!

 Ciao readers,

Today I will be talking about E.O.T.C, E.O.T.C stands for education outside the classroom. We have been in different groups because they can't fit us all on one bus. We also don't want to wait for everyone so we can have a turn.First we did adrenaline forest and spencer park that was on thursday last week which was fun. Then we did mega air and top team, then botanical gardens amazing race to magret mahay, then Phat sk8 at selwyn, and lastly surfing and fish'n'chips. My favourite part was surfing and fish'n'chips my second favourite was roler skating and 3rd was the amazing race. 

Something I learnt was how to surf and how to roller S8 when doing I felt happy and really excited.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Brooklyn's Birthday party.

 Ciao viewers, 

Last Saturday it was my sister's friend Brooklyn's birthday her birthday was a pony party. Everyone there that wanted too could ride a pony even I got to ride a pony. It was my very first time riding a pony, it felt weird but it was a lot less bumpy then I thought it would be like. There were also a lot of different animal their were: Pigs, Piglets, Chickens, Cows, Bunnys, Hamsters, Goats, Elpacas, a Donkey, Ponys and Sheeps. There were even albino animals, the piglets fell asleep. I even got to hold a hamster it kept triening to get out, I got to chose the hamster that I held. The cake was a strawbery sponge cake it smelt dilicious and it was dilicious.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The land of mystery Stuart's diary.

 Ciao viewers,

Today I am going to make a story, it is going to be about the treacherous caves and the land of mystery. This is day one.

Once their was a kid, a kid called Stuart. This kid was full of adventure. Once he was walking through a sandy track with a bunch of shops on the side. Their was a machine, it said, "find your future at the one..the only...FORTUNEATOOOOR". Stuart thought mmm I wonder what my future is. He had a turn and it said you go on a wild adventure of wonder and mystery. He went to another shop that sold fruit, the person at the shop said you know there's cool cave. It is said to lead to a land of mystery well thats what I have heard anyways", he asked the man what the land of mystery was? The man said. "I don't know thats all I heard". When he went to bed that night he started to think about it was it real was it made up.

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Moose burst into classroom.

 Ciao viewers,

Today I am going to tell you about a moose in Canada. There was a moose that broke into the class room it burst through the window. We had a document that we had to answer question on. We had recall question and thinking questions. We also had a ten word summary where we had to do the ten most important words. The link for the site is here.

Moose bursts

into school


Recall questions

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

A    The Moose 

2. What was the key event from the news article?

A    The moose burst into the classroom

3. Where did this event take place?

A       A school in Saskatchewan, Canada

4. When did this event take place?

A         November 10, 2021



Thinking questions

1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?

A      N/A

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article?

A       In a public school in Canada a

dazed moose burst through

the window as everyone was getting

ready for class and everyone got out safely.

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place?

A   Canada has the longest coastline in the world. 

There are millions of lakes in Canada. Canada has the most lakes in the world.

 The world's oldest known rocks can be found here. 

They have a version of the Dead Sea. 


4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future?

A The moose will get transported the moose in the wild

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.?

A Because maybe there were lots of lights inside.

10 word summary     Moose Canada burst public Saskatchewan

classroom november 10 2021 tranquilised

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Spider are more dangerous than sharks!

Ciao viewers,  

We have done persuasive writing, we had to choose from a slide show. The one I chose was that poisonous spiders are more dangerous than sharks. Please let me know if you agree with me, also please let me know if I changed your mind in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading my blog post I hope you enjoyed.

Tooth B.A.S.T.E

Ciao viewers, 
This term we have done a slide show about the arts which was Dance, Drama and Music. B.A.S.T.E stand for body, action, space, time and energy. We have done this for a few weeks and every time we do something about Dance, Drama and Music we put it on our blog.
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Friday, November 5, 2021

Online Saftey

 Ciao viewers, we have been making posters about what our group is doing. My group was doing cybersmart. First we had to write down all the stuff that we allready new about cybersmart that was called prior knowledge then we had to read the links on our page and the videos. Next we had to make a poster then we have to do a activitey.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Persuasion Map

Ciao viewers,
We have been doing persuasive writing for this term. We have done different persuasive writing planner things. This one was called a persuasion map. It was on a site that was on the room 9 site.
There was a slide that we chose an idea from. Sorry it is kind of hard to read, the picture wasn't the best.
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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Our home halloween trick or treating

 Ciao viewers, today I am going to tell you about our home halloween trick or treating. We didn't do proper trick or treating because covid is in Chirstchurch. We also did it on the 30th rather than the 31st. Because the 31st is a school night for Izzy and I, and a work night for Mum and Dad aswell. Izzy and I were inside while Mum and Dad were getting the sleep out ready for pretend trick or treating, when we went in Dad sprayed silly string be hind the curten which scared Mum a bit because she didn't know he was doing that a tiny bit me aswell though. But I was still excpecting Dad to pop out and he did. Then we filled up our buckets with lollies and went inside and watched movies and had a couple lollies.

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Friday, October 29, 2021


  Ciao viewers, we had to do 3 different subjects and write the statement next to I think, why next to because and you need to prove it next to my evidence. Please let me know if you agree or disagree or if I change your mind.

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 Ciao viewers, we have been swimming at canterbury swim school. I liked jumping off the board and simming on my back. My goal was to well actually I don't think I had a goal but I think I did pretty good though. My favourit thin was falling backwards in the pool and something I am proud of is swimming on my back as fast as I was going. 

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Synonym and Antonymys

 Ciao viewers, this was for lockdown I actually did that one in lockdown. For the middile coloum it is the word which is already on the left is the synonym which means the same thing. On the right is the antonym which is the oposite to the word in the middle. The first antonym was done for us to show us what to do. The first synonym was done for me aswell. If you can think of any other more intresting antoynms or synonyms then let me know in the comments bellow.

 Thank you for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed.


Sunday, October 24, 2021

My Dad's birthday

 Ciao viewers, yesterday it was my Dad's birthday the day before we made his cake. In the morning we made pancakes for breakfast, it was my first time making pancakes. So obviously I didn't do to well, my Mum didn't want any pancakes so Izzy, Dad and I had pancakes. On my first one it was to small so it was for Izzy and it was luckilie a good size for her. Dad and mine were to thick but luckilie just enough because they were bigger than usuall so we had one, instead of a few. There was no more mix aswell so it turned out well. Then we did the icing on the cake with sprinkles aswell. Then Dad had to do something which was handy because then we could set everything up for him. When he got back Izzy and I did a happy birthday surprise and the opening of the presents began. When he was done we got ready for fishing then we were off ,we went to a beach it was about an hour away. Before we got there we got  long gummy worms. On the path we had to walk a bit so we tried finding a place where we could drive down. Because we had a lot to take. We went down a road area for a while then we came to a end. We had to go back and we found a different area but when we got there it was to windy and cold for fishing. So we drove looking for a sheltered place to cook our food because we brought stuff to cook. Unfortunatley we couldn't find any where to cook that was sheltered. So we drove home and had BK for dinner because by that time it was to late. Then it was bed time.

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Friday, October 22, 2021

Persuasive writing

 Ciao viewers, we had to do 3 different subjects and write the statement next to I think, why next to because and you need to prove it next to my evidence. The three statements I chose were 12 year olds shouldn't be allowed to drive. Another one was basketball is better than netball. One was lollies should be allowed at school but I disagreed. Please let me know if you agree or disagree or if I change your mind.

I think… 12 Year olds should not be allowed to drive.

Because… Think about all the accidents that could happen and there will be a bunch more crime. There's already alot of accidents we don’t need any more. There would be way more people running/driving away from their family when they are not allowed. There would be more deaths.

My evidence: there are now 352 deaths if 12 year olds drive there would be even more that's just in nz. Source: link

I think… Basketball is better than netball

Because… Netball is more complicated and basketball is alot easier. 

My evidence: In basketball they are allowed anywhere so people can have alot more trys with the ball. In basketball you are allowed to dribble and move with the ball. The hoops have a back board. link

I think… Lollies shouldn’t be allowed at school

Because… people would be hyper and have diabetes. It would give them energy and make them happy but they will have a sugar crash and they would become addicted. Their teeth would rot as well.

My evidence: Sugar crash causes you to be distracted so it would not be good for school. Source: link

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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Term 4 Swimming day 2

 Ciao viewers, this is day 2 of doing swimming at Canterbury swim school I am going to tell you what my group did today. In my group there was Jherean, Myla, Santanah, Alex, Krystallyna and Ryan. Yesterday Tyrone was in my but he changed groups. We were swimming to a line and then swimming back first. We did bubble, arm and breath, back stroke, dolphine dive and over arm. We then swam to the end and back on the first one I swam with out stopping, but on the second I stopped because some one was kicking and started choking a bit. Then we did a dolphine dive to the line.

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Kiwi Kids News

Ciao Viewers, we had to read a Kiwi Kids News article. At the bottom of the article there were recall questions and thinking questions. We had to read the question and answer them on a google doc. We also had to write the ten most important words of the article. Once we finished our first one the fast finishers did a scecond one.

Scientists aiming to bring back Woolly Mammoth


1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

A      Scientists & Wooly Mammoths

2. What was the key event from the news article?

A     They’re trying to bring back the extinct wooly mammoth

3. Where did this event take place?

A     A firm in the USA

4. When did this event take place?

A      September 15th 2021.


1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?

A      N/A

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.

A.  A firm in the USA raised $15M for scientists to bring back the woolly mammoth that has been extinct for 10,000 years

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.

A     USA

A     America Is home to many natural wonders. The US has the 4th longest river system in the world. The US has the largest economy in the world. The American flag has had 27 versions. 

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.

A     Sep 15th 2021

A   In the future they may bring back the Woolly Mammoth and more extinct animals.

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.

Because they wanted to bring back an extinct animal.

10 word summary

Scientist bring extinct wooly mammoth firm DNA USA raised 15M$

12 year old British boy makes $560,000



1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

A   Benyamin Ahmed

2. What was the key event from the news article?

A    Altogether there are 3,350 whale images in the style of a common whale meme seen in the video game Minecraft on a pixel art website and sells them for bitcoins and makes $560K.

3. Where did this event take place?

A    Uk

4. When did this event take place?

August 31 2021


Thinking questions

1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?

A   “I chose whales because in cryptocurrency a whale is someone with 1,000 bitcoin,” said Ben. “I could then say that everyone who owns a whale, is a whale. I could craft that catchline.

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.

A    He sold digital whale pictures for bitcoins and made 560 K

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.

A   Uk the United Kingdom has England and places like that Jumping a queue can be illegal. England fought the shortest war in history. England is home to one of the weirdest sports.England is mostly flat.England is the birthplace of many famous scientists.The National dish is an Indian food.

Population:68,345,973 even though NZ is around the same siz it has alot more people.

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.

A    August 31 2021 and he may make more pictures and either sell them or make a website or game. 

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.

A   Because he wanted to make currency and to do something in lock down.

10 word summary

British 12 year old kid 560K$ bitcoins pixel art whale  

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Monday, October 18, 2021

Term 4 Swimming Day One.

 Ciao viewers, we were swimming at Canterbury swim school with a board also with out a board. We were swimming to a line and then swimming back. We did bubble breath, back stroke and over arm. In my group there was Jherean, Tyrone, Myla, Santanah, Alex, Krystallyna and Ryan. I liked swimming in the big pull I didn't like not jumping off the board. A goal for this term is to learn how to dive correctly.

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Friday, October 15, 2021

Greymouth Day 2

Ciao viewers, not to long ago I went to Greymouth this is day 2 of being at Greymouth. First Mum and Dad had a coffee the we went out for a walk. We went around looking for a place to have lunch we ended up finding a cafe. I had a ginger bread man, so did Izzy. I also had a spagehatti on bread with cheese and a sausage roll pie thing, well thats what I would call it any ways, oh and chips. Then we started making are way back to the truck. Then we went for a drive around and then went to the place we are staying at. Then had dinner and desert and Izzy went to sleep a bit early. so we watched the simpsons.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Greymouth day one.

Ciao viewers, not to long ago I went to greymouth because Dad had work so he brought us as well. He ended up extending the stay for us, ok so lets get into day 1. On day 1 Dad had work so Mum, Izzy and I went for a walk. First we went to a park and it had a sheltered play ground area, that's were we played on. It even had river area that you can see in the photos. Then we walked down to this place were you can see a river it's in the 4th picture. Then we walked down a track that we thought lead to the beach but it didn't, we ended up walking into a field and in some parts of the field were really wet and we started to sink in to it a bit so we got out of it. Then we started to walk back to the motel and when we got back Dad was there. Then we went to a peir and next to the peir their was like a tiny beach you can go to. Then Dad, Izzy and I all got sticks that were really good sticks. We also threw some rocks in and then we went back. I can't remember what we had for dinner though. Then we watched tv for a while and went to bed.

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Oma and Opa's day 2

Ciao viewers, not to long ago I went to my grandparents this is day 2 of being at my grandparents. On day 2 I saw my friend harrison, first we played on the X box for a bit. Then we played minecraft for a bit, then we played Roblox, we were first playing different games then I asked him what game he was playing, when he told me I joined him in his game. It was a new game for me, we played that for a bit then we played another game I haven't played before. We played that for a while and then Harrison played another game for a bit but I kept playing the other game. For lunch Harisson had a sandwhich I can't remember what he had but I had a banana sandwhich. We both had chips and we also had crackers to share. Then we played a game on Poki while leaving Roblox going, we were playing 2 player games on Poki. Then we played roblox again then we left it going and went outside for a bit. Then Harrison left and then Opa played Roblox for a bit with me. Then Opa and I played Mini Golf for a while then Auntey and Grady came, and they played Mini golf with us for a bit. Then we played pictonary it was really funny, then Auntey and Grady got us Fish'n'chips for dinner. We played Mini golf again and then Auntey and Grady had to leave. Opa and I decided to finish that level and do a bit of another one. Then we played Roblox for a bit and then it was Bed time for me.

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Oma and Opa's day 3

Ciao viewers, not to long ago I went to my Oma and Opa's house, this is day 3 of being at Oma and Opa's the last day. In the morning I watched Netflix for a bit then I played Roblox. Oma was going to make pancakes but unfortunatley we didn't have any eggs so I had peanut butter on toast for breakfast. Then I played some more roblox then Opa woke up and we played roblox whith me for a bit. Then we had lunch and played Mini golf for a bit and even Oma played Oma bearley ever plays video games. Then I had to leave and go back home.

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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Oma and Opa's Day 1

Ciao viewers, last Tuesday I went to my Oma and Opa's house. When I went to Oma and Opa's it was around 12 o clock. When I got there everything looked different because Oma likes moving stuff around. I saw a present for me since they missed my birthday because it was in lock down. I got a hat and a card and in the card was a 50$ dollar note. My Auntey and Grady came over and they got me 50$ dollars as well. Then we all played mini golf on the x box for a bit. Then Auntey, Grady, Opa and I went shopping first I did a claw machine I didn't get anything though. Next we went to eb-games and I got the cluedo card game, the next place whitcouls and there I got a brain teaser and Harry Potter and the philosaphise stone. Then we went to the ware house I didn't get anything from there. Then Opa got me sushi and rice balls, for dinner then we all went home. Auntey and grady left and Opa and I had dinner, Oma was at a church thing then Opa and I played mini golf, then I went to bed.

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Friday, October 1, 2021


Ciao viewers we a had to watch videos to learn about transition you will learn about that after you watch this video click here for video. We had to make a video about transition we had to do everything we knew about transition. Not long ago most of us didn't know about transition but once we watched the video about transition then we knew some more. Then we had to do a slide show about transition then made the video.

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Thursday, September 30, 2021

They're, there and their.

Ciao viewers, we have had a bunch of activiteys during the lockdown and I have done this one and more. there are three different ones just like this one. This is they're, there and their practice. For this we have had to relalize wich one goes in what spot. For this I did they are for they're and for there and their and I just thought about before putting it down. The first three were done for me to show me what to do.

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The saviours

Ciao viewers this term we have been learning how to write narrative stories. The purpose of a narrative story is to satisfy and entertain the reader. We had to first plan our narrative story in a story planner. We had to write the characters, setting, middle, start, end, problem and solution. Then we started writing our story, we had to include punctuation, simile's, descriptive words, onomatopoeia, personification and you couldn't have happy, went and big or said but you could have said with something. My favorite sentence is, it was the worst stench ever. 

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Take time to kōrero

Ciao viewers, 

Since it is mental health awareness week we have done something about taking time to kōrero (talk). We have made a poster about how you can catch up with someone you haven't seen for a while. I have come up with 15 ways I can catch up with someone I haven't seen for a while. I have also done a picture of me catching up with someone (that's not me though that's a picture off google). It is important to take time to kōrero for your mental health so we feel well. Remember to take time to kōrero.

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Where, wear, were and we're

Ciao viewers, this is another commonly confused words activitey, this time it is where, wear, were and we're. During lock down we had so many activiteys to do I did this one afte lock down though. There are three different ones just like this one. I have already blog posted one so you can check that one out. during lock down we had video calls with our class to keep in touch and do like a quick video class. For this activitey we have to write down the correct one in each one. There are four done for me so I lets me know what to do.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

your, you're

 Ciao viewer, during lock down we have had a lot of different activiteys that we can do. There were 2 main folders I used that was maths activiteys and litracey activiteys. This one was a litracey activitey, it is practicing when to use each word at the right time the two words one was your and you're. There are three different litracey activiteys like this one where you practice when to use the correct word at the correct time. As you can see the firs two were done for me to show me what to do. When I was doing instead of saying your and you're, I changed you're to you are so that would make it easier.

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Sunday, September 12, 2021


 Ciao viewers, we have had a lot of different activiteys to do while lock down, I did this after lock down though. I really like mazes, I do it with my hand first then I do it once I know the path so it dosen't look like I messed up at all. While I was doing it was nearly time for morning tea, just before I finished the bell rang. I asked the teacher if I could finish quickly before morning tea eat. It was a bit tricky on the computer because I had to different lines.

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Magic square.

 Ciao viewers, during lock down we have had a lot of activitey's to do, I did this one after lock down though. On this one we had to do a magic square challenge. We had to write numbers each way and each way had to add up to 15 and you can't put in 0 or more than 9. You also have to use each number once and each square has a number all ready there. I could of finished quickily but I decided to try and make them the same so it took a bit longer.

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What's My Number .3

 Ciao viewers, this is the challenge What's My Number 3. Incase you missed the other two we have had a lot of different activity's we could do during lockdown. There were 3 What's My Number, during lock down we have done video calls with our school and on every class site they have different work you can do. 

 Once again it basically tells you the answer, I didn't think it would be the same as the last one were it just tells you the answer. But this one was even easier, at least it was still fun doing the rest until I got to the last one. I figured it out on the second to last one at least, once again I crossed them all out until I got to the last one, then I went really, again.
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