
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

descriptive writing

Hi viewers our class has been doing descriptive writing for two weeks and this story is mine I hope you like it.

I was in an old ancient ghoulish tree house, there were spider webs everywhere. I got a branch and hit the big yucky spider webs down. The tree house was humongous. There were lots of animals up in the tree house, there was a pig. The ladder was very very long and the tree house was really high and it was really rickety so I am so surprised that the pig made it up here.  I shooed all the animals away except the pig, because I like pigs so I kept it. There were blue, orange, purple, and pink flowers everywhere. It was absolutely amazing. There were so many different types of flowers. There were quiet humming birds on the blossoming flowers, drinking the nectar. All of a sudden it was really quiet so it was quite strange because usually it is noisy so I thought there was a silent shifty predator around the tree house. There were lots of predators in the forest that I was in.  I heard rustling and it was scary, so I went up the mossy long rickety ladder. There was dirt everywhere and cans of food everywhere and creepy drawings of dolls. Then there was a jaguar that ate my pig. I threw a razor sharp, pointy spear at the jaguar then he ran at me and tried to eat me. I ran across the slippery, revolting, stained, dungy wet floor then I slid and fell off the edge. Luckily I was next to the ladder. I grabbed the ladder just before I fell on the ground. My heart was beating as fast as a cheetah and as strong as a gorilla. I slipped off the ladder since it was so mossy, but luckily l was close to the soft but revolting, icky ground. I got up, I started climbing the ladder because the jaguar was down on the ground. As I got up, the jaguar was right on my tail. I ran then slid like the wind right into the dusty, weak wall. It was weak then I went right through the wall onto a bunch of creepy paintings then I got eaten. The last thing I saw was a creepy drawing. 

                       The end


  1. Hi Leo,
    I like your blog post about the tree house writing. I like your descriptive words. I have a question, what does ghoulish mean? -Angel

    1. Hi Angel,
      Thanks, ghoulish means a bit creepy. Thanks for commenting have a good week.
