
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Oma and Opas Day two

Hi viewers, last week on Monday at ten in the morning. I went to my Oma and Opas house, this blog is day two of being at my Oma and Opas house. In the morning I got up and my Oma and Opa were asleep. Since they were asleep I watched tv for a bit. When my Oma woke up she made me eggs on toast for breakfast. After I had breakfast I played roblox for a bit, then I played cards with my Oma. When my Opa woke up, we played Need for speed and another racing game. We were just doing races and trying to unlock the tracks.

After a bit of playing Need for speed and the other racing game, my friend Samantha came over and played with me. We played roblox, checkers and cards. We played cards with my Oma and my friend Samantha's mum, Amy. We both played Last cards together with two packs of cards, I came second and Samantha came first. Then me and Samantha watched Greg and Opa play Need for speed, after a bit we played Roblox. 

After roblox Samantha had to leave, then me and Opa went into the computer room and played Roblox for a bit. Me and Opa decided to play Banana eats together. On the game me and Opa were both the bananas, which meant we had to eat all the other players in the game. I don't know which is more fun, being the banana or the survivor. I got to be both which was fun, after playing a bit of roblox I went to bed.

Thanks for reading my blog, hope you enjoy, please leave feedback.


  1. It sounds like another busy but fun day for you and your family Leo.

    How did your Oma cook your eggs?I like mine dippy do or poached on toast.
    What card games did you play?.Samantha and I usually play Skip Bo or Uno.

    I am looking forward to reading about day 3....

    1. Hi Mrs Cassidy,
      at Oma and Opa's it's just me not my Mum, Dad and Sister.

      I like mine runny so she cooks them runny for me, sounds nice but I don't think I know what dippy do is.
      Have a great day thanks for commenting.
