
Friday, July 30, 2021


Ciao viewers, in the holidays I did baking, we baked flower shaped cookies. Dad helped us bake the cookies but it was mostly Izzy and I. When we were cutting the flower shaped cookies out Izzy, mum and I had different size flower cutters. Izzy and I were flying through them, and dad was flattening all the dough out for us, and dad was waiting for his turn at the end.

We baked four batches, they were also chocolate chip cookies in them. Izzy, mum, dad and I were icing the cookies but it was mostly Izzy and I. There was red, yellow, blue and pink icing, Izzy was the one that used most of the pink. We all sat on the lounge floor on a What Now mat in a circle, with 4 bowls of icing and a tray of decorations on it. Izzy had a tray with cookies on it to decorate and I had a tray with cookies to decorate as well.

In my opinion I think they were better with the icing on them. We had chocolate chips and decorations, I made some with half of it one colour and the other half another colour. I also made some with all 4 colours and some with it all mixed. I did one with 'L' on it, one with 'e' on it and one with 'o' on it. It was really fun decorating the cookies and fun to get artsy. Without the icing on it they tasted like popcorn to me, but I think its because all the butter reminds of popcorn and butter.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, please leave feedback.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

How I can be resilient

Ciao viewers, We had to write about how I can be resilient for a competition. We can choose any subject we liked, I chose a game of soccer. If we are resilient outside while playing we will get a kete card. A kete card is a card that the teacher gives us and we put into a box and we go into a draw for a prize.

    Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy, please leave feed back.

kiwi kids news

Hi viewers, we had to go on kiwi kids news we had to write the name, what it was about, 3 facts and rate it 1 out of 5. We could of done this or a book review on a book of your choice.

Thank you for reading my blog hope you enjoyed, please leave feed back in the comment section.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Oma and Opas Day four

Hi viewers, this is day four of being at my Oma and Opas house, this is the last day of being at there house and I left there's at ten in the morning, I hope you enjoy. In the morning I got up and then I watched tv, then I played Roblox for a bit. Today it was my Omas birthday so we all had a bit of a sleep in. Then Oma got up and we played cards, we played last card

, snap and muggins. When Opa got up we all played cards together for a bit then it was time for me to go home.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, please leave feedback.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Oma and Opas Day three

Hi viewers, last Monday I went to my Oma and Opas house, this is day three of being at Oma and Opas. In the morning I got up and watched Netflix, after watching Netflix I played Roblox. When my Oma got up she made me eggs on toast for breakfast, after breakfast Oma and I played cards for a bit. Then Oma and I played an interactive on Netflix. Then Opa woke up and we played a cartoon car racing game, we played a few different maps. 

Then we all went outside, and Opa and I made two wooden swords. We made two, one for me and one for Opa. I went inside for a bit to get a drink and also because it was hot. When I went back outside my sword looked like it had an upgrade. I asked Opa what happened and he said that it broke. So he took his apart and made my one cooler since it broke, the sword was really heavy though.

Then we all went in the lounge and played the cartoon car racing game again. We played on the map where you can do anything like go up ramps, threw cannons, you can go around a loopty loop, you can also do tracks and get trophies that are in places like above the ramps. 

Then Aunty and Grady came over and played the car game with us for a bit. Then we had fish'n chips that Aunty and Grady bought for us, I didn't eat much for dinner though. After dinner I read a believe it or not book for a bit. Then Aunty, Grady, Oma and I watched the movie The princess new groove and we had vanilla ice cream while watching the movie. 

When the movie finished Aunty and Grady had to leave, so we waved goodbye, then Opa and I played Roblox. While Opa and I were playing roblox, Oma had to leave for church. Me and Opa waved goodbye to Oma, then Opa and I played some more Roblox and then I went to bed.

 Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy, please leave feedback.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Oma and Opas Day two

Hi viewers, last week on Monday at ten in the morning. I went to my Oma and Opas house, this blog is day two of being at my Oma and Opas house. In the morning I got up and my Oma and Opa were asleep. Since they were asleep I watched tv for a bit. When my Oma woke up she made me eggs on toast for breakfast. After I had breakfast I played roblox for a bit, then I played cards with my Oma. When my Opa woke up, we played Need for speed and another racing game. We were just doing races and trying to unlock the tracks.

After a bit of playing Need for speed and the other racing game, my friend Samantha came over and played with me. We played roblox, checkers and cards. We played cards with my Oma and my friend Samantha's mum, Amy. We both played Last cards together with two packs of cards, I came second and Samantha came first. Then me and Samantha watched Greg and Opa play Need for speed, after a bit we played Roblox. 

After roblox Samantha had to leave, then me and Opa went into the computer room and played Roblox for a bit. Me and Opa decided to play Banana eats together. On the game me and Opa were both the bananas, which meant we had to eat all the other players in the game. I don't know which is more fun, being the banana or the survivor. I got to be both which was fun, after playing a bit of roblox I went to bed.

Thanks for reading my blog, hope you enjoy, please leave feedback.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Oma and Opas (Grandmother and Grandfather) Day one

 Hi viewers, last monday at ten in the morning I went to my Oma and Opas (Grandmother and Grandfather). On day one I and my Opa (Grandfather), went to the shop before we went to their house. We got marshmallows and lollies at the shop, we used the marshmallows for hot chocolates, we didn't eat the lollies though. We also got things for a homemade pizza and we got other things that I can't remember as well.

 Then we went to their house and I said hi to my Oma (Grandmother). After I said hi to my Oma I played Need for speed with Opa. I got a really high score that Opa couldn't get to. Then Grady came over and played with us, he couldn't reach my score either.

 Then my Aunty came and we all hung out together in the lounge. Me, Opa and Grady but mostly Me and Grady played another racing game, but this time it was a cartoon game. Oma and Aunty didn't want to play but they still hung out with us in the lounge. Aunty asked Me and Grady riddles and we asked her some. The game was a little like Mario kart, just you couldn't change your characters, and there were different tracks. 

 In the game I and Grady were just trying to get car part boxes, so I can get new cars. I got all of them on the tracks. After looking for the car part boxes we went on a timing track just for fun. We were trying to beat our score and trying to get the best score. I ended up getting the best score.

 Then we went on to an area were we could do what we wanted. There were trophies and car part boxes. I was trying to get the car part boxes and Grady was playing around and trying to get the boxes and trophies.

After playing the games, Aunty and Grady had to leave so we waved goodbye. Then Opa started making us home made pizzas for dinner. I didn't feel that hungry so I didn't eat much.

Then I and Opa went to the computer room to play games. We played a bit of Roblox, then Oma went to bed then shortly after I went to bed.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy, please leave feedback. 

Friday, July 16, 2021


Hi viewers, last Friday I played basketball, in the game it was a draw. The score was twenty to twenty. It was fun our team did good passing, dribbling, shooting and talking. I think our team did good on everything in that basketball game. That basketball game was the last for the term. This term we won every basketball, except the last one, but we drew instead. On our last game I nearly got the last goal, that would of ment that we won that game. If we won the last game that would of ment that we won all the games for the term.

Thanks for reading, please leave feedback.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Te ngahere

 Hi viewers, we have been doing a series of Te ngahere(The forest) we have done the layers of the forest and native birds and trees to day we have finished our slide show.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Hole book review

 Hi viewers, our teacher has been reading holes for the last few weeks we have just finished the book today and we have done a book review about so if you like reading fiction books you could read this book.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

descriptive writing

Hi viewers our class has been doing descriptive writing for two weeks and this story is mine I hope you like it.

I was in an old ancient ghoulish tree house, there were spider webs everywhere. I got a branch and hit the big yucky spider webs down. The tree house was humongous. There were lots of animals up in the tree house, there was a pig. The ladder was very very long and the tree house was really high and it was really rickety so I am so surprised that the pig made it up here.  I shooed all the animals away except the pig, because I like pigs so I kept it. There were blue, orange, purple, and pink flowers everywhere. It was absolutely amazing. There were so many different types of flowers. There were quiet humming birds on the blossoming flowers, drinking the nectar. All of a sudden it was really quiet so it was quite strange because usually it is noisy so I thought there was a silent shifty predator around the tree house. There were lots of predators in the forest that I was in.  I heard rustling and it was scary, so I went up the mossy long rickety ladder. There was dirt everywhere and cans of food everywhere and creepy drawings of dolls. Then there was a jaguar that ate my pig. I threw a razor sharp, pointy spear at the jaguar then he ran at me and tried to eat me. I ran across the slippery, revolting, stained, dungy wet floor then I slid and fell off the edge. Luckily I was next to the ladder. I grabbed the ladder just before I fell on the ground. My heart was beating as fast as a cheetah and as strong as a gorilla. I slipped off the ladder since it was so mossy, but luckily l was close to the soft but revolting, icky ground. I got up, I started climbing the ladder because the jaguar was down on the ground. As I got up, the jaguar was right on my tail. I ran then slid like the wind right into the dusty, weak wall. It was weak then I went right through the wall onto a bunch of creepy paintings then I got eaten. The last thing I saw was a creepy drawing. 

                       The end