
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Brooklyn's Birthday party.

 Ciao viewers, 

Last Saturday it was my sister's friend Brooklyn's birthday her birthday was a pony party. Everyone there that wanted too could ride a pony even I got to ride a pony. It was my very first time riding a pony, it felt weird but it was a lot less bumpy then I thought it would be like. There were also a lot of different animal their were: Pigs, Piglets, Chickens, Cows, Bunnys, Hamsters, Goats, Elpacas, a Donkey, Ponys and Sheeps. There were even albino animals, the piglets fell asleep. I even got to hold a hamster it kept triening to get out, I got to chose the hamster that I held. The cake was a strawbery sponge cake it smelt dilicious and it was dilicious.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The land of mystery Stuart's diary.

 Ciao viewers,

Today I am going to make a story, it is going to be about the treacherous caves and the land of mystery. This is day one.

Once their was a kid, a kid called Stuart. This kid was full of adventure. Once he was walking through a sandy track with a bunch of shops on the side. Their was a machine, it said, "find your future at the one..the only...FORTUNEATOOOOR". Stuart thought mmm I wonder what my future is. He had a turn and it said you go on a wild adventure of wonder and mystery. He went to another shop that sold fruit, the person at the shop said you know there's cool cave. It is said to lead to a land of mystery well thats what I have heard anyways", he asked the man what the land of mystery was? The man said. "I don't know thats all I heard". When he went to bed that night he started to think about it was it real was it made up.

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Moose burst into classroom.

 Ciao viewers,

Today I am going to tell you about a moose in Canada. There was a moose that broke into the class room it burst through the window. We had a document that we had to answer question on. We had recall question and thinking questions. We also had a ten word summary where we had to do the ten most important words. The link for the site is here.

Moose bursts

into school


Recall questions

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

A    The Moose 

2. What was the key event from the news article?

A    The moose burst into the classroom

3. Where did this event take place?

A       A school in Saskatchewan, Canada

4. When did this event take place?

A         November 10, 2021



Thinking questions

1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?

A      N/A

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article?

A       In a public school in Canada a

dazed moose burst through

the window as everyone was getting

ready for class and everyone got out safely.

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place?

A   Canada has the longest coastline in the world. 

There are millions of lakes in Canada. Canada has the most lakes in the world.

 The world's oldest known rocks can be found here. 

They have a version of the Dead Sea. 


4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future?

A The moose will get transported the moose in the wild

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.?

A Because maybe there were lots of lights inside.

10 word summary     Moose Canada burst public Saskatchewan

classroom november 10 2021 tranquilised

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Spider are more dangerous than sharks!

Ciao viewers,  

We have done persuasive writing, we had to choose from a slide show. The one I chose was that poisonous spiders are more dangerous than sharks. Please let me know if you agree with me, also please let me know if I changed your mind in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading my blog post I hope you enjoyed.

Tooth B.A.S.T.E

Ciao viewers, 
This term we have done a slide show about the arts which was Dance, Drama and Music. B.A.S.T.E stand for body, action, space, time and energy. We have done this for a few weeks and every time we do something about Dance, Drama and Music we put it on our blog.
I hope you liked my blog please leave feed back in the comment section below.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Online Saftey

 Ciao viewers, we have been making posters about what our group is doing. My group was doing cybersmart. First we had to write down all the stuff that we allready new about cybersmart that was called prior knowledge then we had to read the links on our page and the videos. Next we had to make a poster then we have to do a activitey.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Persuasion Map

Ciao viewers,
We have been doing persuasive writing for this term. We have done different persuasive writing planner things. This one was called a persuasion map. It was on a site that was on the room 9 site.
There was a slide that we chose an idea from. Sorry it is kind of hard to read, the picture wasn't the best.
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