
Monday, September 14, 2020

On my birthday I went ice skating with my friends

On my Birthday I went ice skating with my friends in the picture, I got a lot better at ice skating that time. It was my 2nd time ice skating it was so much fun.I fell down a lot my Dad said just land on butt so it doesn't make you do the splits or something. we also had chocolate milk and candy floss. they also did a spin the bottle and my friend won and we also did this dancing game I don't know who won that game.


  1. Hi Leo Happy Birthday! i wish i could come i cant :( but can you show us some of the pictures with you and your friends went to ice skating? well hope you have a good day! BYE!

    1. Hi Jherean,
      Thanks I wish you could come too, I did you have too click the displaying button. Bye.
