Talofa lava readers, I am going to share my first draft of some writing. I have done some writing I have done writing about returning to school. our teacher gave us some instructions to write about how we were feeling about returning back to school. Could you please tell me if there is anything, I could do to improve my writing?
I am a student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. I am a Year 5 student and my teacher is Mrs Mclachlan. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
This our MASSIVE BOX HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is so so so big that it is MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi guys hows it going? My Dad built a massive box house for Izzy and I. Izzy and I run into the box when mum or dad chases us and we play hide and seek in the box. I chase Izzy in sometimes too, or we just play in the box. Dad took off the door because Izzy and I were playing with it and it bent on the bottom of it.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Egg vinegar experiment. The squashy unbreakable egg oh ok the breakable egg it broke.
Hi guys. The egg didn't really break. Do you like the title. We used wine vinegar and a cup and left it in the cup for a few day. The vinegar ate a way at the bit on the outside of the egg but left the bit that you can see on the picture bellow and it made it kinda see threw it was more see threw in the light though. It was squashy. Thank you for reading. Stay up all day and all night and all of the rest of the next day for more.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
CAKE!!!!!!!!!!. Cake is defiantly good for you and your teeth.
Hi again I have made an other cake it was delicious. We had some last night. It was a vanilla sponge cake. We just did normal icing though. This image is of when I was doing the icing. We also did sprinkles and small delicious things. My favourite one was the horse with a spear in it's head. The blue ball had the icing in it. I got to eat the rest of the icing.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
LIGHT!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!
Hi once again. At night time we had a laser party. Dad was in charge of the laser pen and Izzy and I were in charge of having heaps of fun. We did it in the lounge. If you look at one of the pictures Izzy's. Not there and the door is lighter so she had a light and was out in the hall way. Detective Leo on the case. Bye now have a nice day
Friday, May 8, 2020
My lolly stick house.
As you can see I have made a lolly stick house. It took my Mum Me and Dad a long time to do it. We used glue to stick them to gether and a bit of metal for the door handle and for a starter we used wood. After that I started doing a frisbe. We have not finished the house And I have not finished the frisbe either.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Sushi is yummy yummy in my tummy.
Hi guys I had home made sushi. We had Hoisin Chicken Sushi Teriyaki Chicken sushi Mayo Chicken Sushi sriracha mayo sushi. It was Delicious my favourite one was the teriyaki chicken and the mayo chicken. The sriracha mayo sushi was to spicy. I had one it was spicy not to spicy but the second one was way to spicy. The Hoisin chicken sushi I just didn't really like it. Isabelle had some to. We still have some more sushi.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
I have been doing HEAPS of baking.
On Sunday we all made Strawberry rainbow jelly, peanut butter cookies, vanilla cupcakes and strawberry/kiwifruit cheesecake. It was really nice we used a rainbow mould and some hoot water and put the jelly mix in the hot water and left it to get cold. With the peanut butter cookies we used peanut butter and sugar and egg whites mixed it together and then put it in the oven. With the vanilla cupcakes we used muffin trays and vanilla icing we chopped the top of it of and then we cut them in half and put the on top we also had 100 and 1000's. With the cake we used kiwi fruit and strawberry and cheese and cookies. We used the cookies as the base we used a blend and blended them for the base. I don't know the rest because I was sleeping when Dad did it. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
My weekly mantra
I think it means that when you read you will get smarter and smarter and the smarter you are the more places you will go.
I made stress balls.
Hi I have made a stress ball and so has my sister. We made them out of flour and two balloons. We cut one of the balloons and put around the other balloon the other balloon we put flour in it then tied it then cut the top of it off. Izzy broke them both though but that's all right.
Monday, May 4, 2020
I went camping on my propriety
On Friday I went camping on my propriety it was so much fun. We also had marshmallows over the fire. They were so delicious Dad and I kept setting them on fire then blowing them out. Because we both liked it were you can't tell it was a marsh mallow and were it is gooey on the inside and on the outside a bit crisp. We watched a movie it was really funny it was called zoo keeper. But it kept stopping so we tried home alone but that one didn't work either so we just stopped doing the video. My Dad and I made a long bow out of gardening stakes and string and we made the arrows out of gardening stakes. The one that I am holding is the long bow. We also made a cross bow out of wood screws string and a Gardening stake. The bow that my Dad is holding is the cross bow well was the cross bow because we took it a part and ended up with that. The cross bow was a lot better than the long bow though. It was so fun. Thank you for reading my blog.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Banana chocolate chip muffins.
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