
Thursday, March 12, 2020

My new Matilda book cover

This Is my edition of the book cover I hope you like it. It took me less then a day. After we finished we did made Matilda word search. I might make a blog about it. you You can leave feed back if you like.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Leo, thanks for sharing your book cover. How did you create it? I assume you read the book, did you enjoy it? I love Roald Dahl, have you read any of his other books? I used to read Danny Champion of the World to my classes when I was teaching.

    1. your welcome in the book we just did the cover though. We have also read it too. I do like Roald Dahl. I have read other books. Have you been okay in lock down.

  3. Hi Leo.I don't think I have read this book.I have read one book by Roald Dahl.That was Charlie and the chocolate factory.Have you read or heard of the book?.I look forward to hearing from you.Have a good time off school.

    1. i have not read it but i have seen he movie

  4. Hi Leo. How are you? I miss seeing you at school every week day! This is a great new cover for Matilda. I didn't see it in class so I'm pleased you put it on your blog. Maybe you could write a post about what you have been doing during isolation? I have been taking my dog Poppy on walks and biking but staying close to home. I've also been making some things like tomato relish and doing some sewing. I look forward to seeing some more blogs from you. Have a good day :)

    1. that's a good I dear try stay home if you can did it taste good

    2. HI Leo
      Thanks for your reply. I think the tomato relish was good because my daughters and husband ate it all and I had to make more! What have you been up to at home? Have a good day :)

    3. lol you have a good day too.

  5. Hello Leo.I have been busy going for long walks with my daughter and my dog Salt.Sam likes to go Pokemon hunting so we do that at the same time.Sometimes we have to go to certain places so she can catch the Pokemon.Have you ever heard of Pokemon hunting?.I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. is it fun and I have been Pokemon hunting

  6. Hello Leo.I hope all is going well for you and the family.The sun is out and I can't see any clouds in the sky.Since we have had the lock down I don't see or hear many aeroplanes heading to the airport.I have my birds outside,in their cages,and they are chirping.Sam's cat is sleeping on the couch.My dog is in his house.
    I will be taking Salt for a walk later.He needs to go for about 4 to 8 walks a day.
    What do you have planned for today?.I look forward to hearing from you.

  7. hi all is going well for me what about you sorry from getting it late

  8. Hello Leo,as the saying goes...'it's better late than never'.I remember my mum always saying that to me.
    How are things going with you?.I would love to hear about what you have been doing.Maybe you could put a picture up,about something you have done,and write a line or two too go with the pic.
    Remember though to be Cyber Smart.
    Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

  9. Good morning Leo.
    Because I am leaving a comment or question on all of room 12's blogs,I thought I would leave one on yours as well,although we have been making contact through the computer already.
    I went onto the school site this morning to join in with the long distance learning.It was great to see some of the children and their smiling faces.
    Have a lovely day and best of luck with the learning on line.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.
